On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 08:37:45PM -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 01:51:59PM -0400, Juergen Fiedler wrote:
> > On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 11:42:17AM -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> > > Does you boss want RTF of is it just "page breaks, centered text, and
> > > different fonts"?  What file formats will your boss accept?  Will he
> > > accept pdf or ps?  Would enscript do?  It will output in RTF if you
> > > like.
> > 
> > He wants something that he can edit in MS Word if necessary, that can
> > be read and printed in OS X and that lets you organize the text with
> > page breaks and large headers. If it wasn't for the page breaks (and
> > those are mostly to maintain a separate cover sheet), even HTML would
> > probably do.  I had, at one point, thoughts of doing stuff in HTML and
> > just keeping the cover page in a separate file, but I don't think that
> > that would fly...
> > 
> Presumably, he not only wants to edit (which he could latex) but to then
> regeneratet it (which he can't unless he has latex for MS and OSX).
> Since I've never used MS Word or OSX, I don't know what your choices
> are.  

RTF is pretty much it, really. If it wasn't for the critical
importance of page breaks, HTML might be fine, but as it is, RTF is
the 'standard' that's used in my office and that's what I have to
> By stipulating that he wants both typeset output and the ability to edit
> and regenerate it, this becomes a problem of distributed text
> processing.  In acedemia the standard has been LaTex until MS invaded.
> I think that in debian you're limited to lout, latex, OO,
> Koffice, Lyx, and a few other markup language processors.  You'll have
> to see what is available for the other OSs and what he's willing to put
> on his computer.  What is the editor in OSX that he uses and what
> formats can it work with?
> If he _doesn't_ need to regenerate the file, just change a few words,
> then give him latex source and pdf output and he can edit it directly
> and give it back to you to regenerate.

I considered going the Latex rute - I'd just create my RTF files from
the Latex source - but I think that that would take up even more space
than AbiWord. It's a tough call; I would still prefer plain text or
maybe troff, but that's not my decision to make.
Well, we'll see what comes from it; I still hope that I can make Ted
work on my Lenny box.


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