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On Sat, Jun 02, 2007 at 15:44:25 +0200, mylinuxmaillists-2007 AT yahoo DOT es 
> Hello Florian.
> This is my output, any suggestion for optimize this
> wil be welcome
> Josep
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$  awk '/fontconfig/,/^$/{if (/^(Na|Va)/) print}' 
> /var/cache/debconf/config.dat
> Name: fontconfig/enable_bitmaps
> Value: true
> Name: fontconfig/hinting_type
> Value: Native
> Name: fontconfig/subpixel_rendering
> Value: Automatic

I would try to disable bitmap fonts. (The rest looks good to me.) You
can run (as root)

dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config

and choose "No" for "Enable bitmapped fonts by default?" (This is the
last question that you will be asked.) Then you can restart X and check
if this improves things. (Normally it does.) 

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xrdb -query | grep Xft
> Xft.antialias:  1
> Xft.dpi:        96.000000
> Xft.hinting:    0
> Xft.hintstyle:  hintnone
> Xft.rgba:       none

You can try if you like font hinting by running (under X)

echo -e "Xft.hinting: 1\nXft.hintstyle: hintfull" | xrdb -merge

You can also try "hintslight" and "hintmedium" instead of "hintfull".
You have to restart iceweasel after making a change to see the effect.

Some people even prefer to turn off antialiasing. This is all somewhat
subjective and also depends on which fonts and which display you use.

Once you find your preferred settings you can make them permanent by
putting them into ~/.Xresources or by using the GUI font setup tool of
your desktop environment.
> --- Florian Kulzer escribió:
> > On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 22:42:10 +0200, Josep M. wrote:
> > > Hello to all.
> > > 
> > > I have in the same machine centos 4.4 and debian etch, in centos,
> > > when using firefox fonts are much better quality than debian, in
> > > both I have added the same Microsoft fonts, Arial,
> > > Tahoma,Verdana... ad all fonts are much better displayed in Centos
> > > than Debian when using Iceweasel or Firefox in centos....I think I
> > > must tweak anything, but in both I use the same updated nvidia
> > > drivers.


Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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