I think that FAILED message is saying that there was a filename in the
md5sums.gz that didn't exist; checking its md5sum failed because it
didn't exist.  To check this, did any of those FAILED lines refer to
files that you actually have?

I dod not get any errors containing just the FAILED word, I got all
errors as "FAILED to open or read".

You used a for loop to move the passed debs.  That suggests that the
directory now only contains debs that failed.  How many such files are
there?  I don't know if the rsync mirrors have individual packages or
just CDs.  If you can find an rsync mirror that has your broken
packages, you can use rsync to fix them.  Otherwise, just delete them
and move on.

About half of the files passed and are moved from the cache. About
half, that is about 171 MB is left in /var/cache/apt/archives.If I can
get a quick way to somehow check these, I'll move them or else leave
them after taking the output of dpkg --get-selections.

But how do you assemble them into a repository-like unofficial CD?
What commands will do this?

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