On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 07:50:14PM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
> Tom Allison wrote:
> >
> >OK, at one point in my life I had something working for a very brief 
> >period that looked like https.
> >Unfortunately after a few days... it stopped.  Never got it working 
> >again...
> I've found a number of mailing lists in search engines that talk about
> openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -state -debug -showcerts
> connect: Connection refused
> connect:errno=29

I only get that error when I do 

openssl s_client

as soon as i put in the -connect localhost:443 part, it connects. And
I get various bits of output. (including some errors). I don't really
know about this, so i don't know how to interpret that except that
perhaps you are not listening on 443? I also get that error if I try
to connect to a port that I know is not listening, so I think that
might be the problem (simple as it may be...). 

> I'm really frustrated with this SSL stuff, is this like a state secret or 
> something?


> I've tried rebuilding keys using every possible combination I can find for 
> doing it.  The latest was
> openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server.crt -keyout server.key
> taken straight from the apache2.2 site.
> I'm stuck.  How do you get SSL to work?
> I did have this under apache 1 years ago.
> How do you do it under Apache 2.2?
> I created the keys as mentioned above.
> I enabled ssl.conf
> I added to http.conf the following:
> SSLEngine on

FWIW, this is what is in my /etc/apache2.2/sites-available/default
that might be pertinent. note that i made the key and cert using a
multi-step procedure that I can't find right now...


        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/cert.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/key.pem
        DocumentRoot /var/www/

> and found that even though it was listed in ssl.conf I also had to include 
> the Directives for the CertificatFile, CertificatKeyFile, Cache and that 
> would at least allow it to start, but not serve a page.
> Also tried moving all the SSL directives into the <VirtualHost *> Directive 
> and that also started but did nothing.
> HOWTO?  Anyone have a HOWTO that actually works?

how about this one? 


it includes a few links to some other stuff as well.



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