On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 09:26:52PM +0200, csanyipal wrote:
> Before installing tutos2 I created with postgres user the "www-data" 
> user on postmaster and give him rights to create database.
> Then I created the tutos database as "www-data" user. Everywhere must I 
> use ' "www-data" ' in command line because of this:
> ---------->
> /usr/share/doc/www-pgsql/README.Debian ->
> 2.3 Problems with the user 'www-data' and Postgres:
> So you have to say:
> CREATE USER "www-data"
> not
> CREATE USER www-data
> ----------<
Hmm.  Why are you using www-pgsql?  It is not a dependcy of tutos2 or
any of its dependencies.

> Then I installed tutos2.
> It runs very well, but get some error messages too.
What errors?



Roberto C. Sánchez

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