I have a new Seagate FreeAgent usb hard drive.  After install, it
spins down and when one tries to write to it, it gets marked read only.
This can be prevented by running the following command line:

echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_disk/14\:0\:0\:0/allow_restart

where this bit                ^^^^^^^^^^^
varies with each connection.

I'd like to get udev to set this for me, so I tried the following rule:

SYSFS{model}=="FreeAgentDesktop",RUN+="/bin/echo 1 > 

It doesn't work.  Allow_restart is always 0 after a connection.

I've also tried:
SYSFS{model}=="FreeAgentDesktop",RUN+="/bin/echo 1 > 
SYSFS{model}=="FreeAgentDesktop",RUN+="/bin/echo 1 > 
SYSFS{model}=="FreeAgentDesktop",RUN+="/bin/echo 1 > 

because I'm confused about 1) which string substitution holds the
identifier I need, and 2) the need for quoting or escaping the ':' in
the line.

udevtest shows this:
parse_file: reading '/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules' as rules file
and this
main: run: 'socket:/org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event'
so my rule seems to be picked up.

udevinfo -a -p /sys/block/sdd
  looking at parent device 

So my questions are: 1) what string substitution do I use to get the needed bit into my command?
2) do I need quoting in the rule?
3) can this work anyway?

Thanks for any help.


Don.Hayward at pomobuli.net -- debian/rules -- Registered Linux user #374806
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