Just got krita to import with dcraw; it would not work with ufraw.

On Sunday 10 June 2007 11:49, KS wrote:
> Bernard wrote:
> > What kind of applications can open and use RAW image file created by
> > digital cameras?  Does such applications exist for Linux?
> I was in the same situation a few days ago. Here are a few options
> (including non-OSS):
> 1.RAWstudio – OSS, GTK+ interface, little CMS, basic EXIF reading, very
> young but looks promising http://rawstudio.org/
> 2.blueMarine – OSS, Apache License http://bluemarine.tidalwave.it
> 3.Qtpfsgui – License?, http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net
> 4.Raw Therapee – free/ non-OSS www.rawtherapee.com/
> 5.bibble – http://www.bibblelabs.com/ proprietary, demo
> 6.Lightzone -  proprietary, 2.4 (penultimate version available for
> Linux), no support, uses Java (and so does Openoffice.org!)
> http://www-old.lightcrafts.com/linux/
> 7.digikam – OSS, little CMS http://digikam.org/ (more a photo management
> application than RAW editor)
> 8.f-spot – OSS, Gnome project http://f-spot.org/Main_Page more a photo
> management application than RAW editor)
> 9.lphoto – OSS, possibly no raw support http://lphoto.com (just a photo
> management app)
> 10.Picasa – Google, non-OSS, free, http://www.google.com/picasa (photo
> management, read RAW, no RAW editing)
> 11.krita - photo editor, can read RAW using one of dcraw or ufraw.
> 12.gimp - photo editor, needs dcraw plugin to read RAW files
> I wonder if RAW Therapee could be made to have a change of mind and made
> an OSS.
> HTH,
> /KS

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