Hello Magnus,

Am 2007-06-17 17:27:30, schrieb Magnus Pedersen:
> I think lftp is your best bet.

Since I must execute lftp from a script with

   lftp -f ${SCRIPT_FILE}

I have create a file :

+----[ '~/freenet/linux4michelle.scr' ]---------------
| user linux4michelle ${PASS}
| open ftp://people-ftp.freenet.de/
| mirror --no-symlinks --no-perms --no-umask \
|        --dereference --reverse --delete \
|        --only-newer --only-missing \
|        ${HOME}/freenet/linux4michelle/ \
|        ftp://people-ftp.freenet.de/
| exit

and want to ask you, whether this is right or not, IF it should

1)  delete all files on the ISP server which are not in the
    local directory ${HOME}/freenet/linux4michelle/
2)  upload all files recursivly from the local directory
    ${HOME}/freenet/linux4michelle/ to the ISP Server if
    a)  the file does not exist
    b)  the local file is newer as the one on the server
3)  Do not try to change perms, umnask since my ISP care about it
4)  and then exit

Sorry, if I have forgotten my password and used only ${PASS}
but my age hit me...  :-)

Oh, I must be very careful with the script since I have several
1000 files in the ISP server

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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