On Sun, Jul 08, 2007 at 11:10:57AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Roberto C. Sánchez wrote in Article
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted to
> gmane.linux.debian.user:
> > That depends on your definition of "available."  If the person receiving
> > your document is on dialup and not in a position to download the 100+ MB
> > OOo or is otherwise not sufficiently proficient to install software,
> > then you are basically left with "default" windows tools, which are
> > wordpad, and occasionally works or word.
> True, but wouldn't not having any proper office suite, on dialup, running
> Windows make about as much sense for business as switching to MacOS for the
> games?  Is that a large enough edge case for anybody to bother worrying
> about?
I wasn't thinking so much of the business users themselves, but rather
their customers.  In any case, you bring up a good point.  Of course, I
have also worked places where any "unapproved" software was strictly
verbotten.  Getting software approved at one of these places would
require a presidential executive order, act of congress, plantery
alignment and a lunar eclipse all in the same day.  Even then the
"security" folks might still not sign off.

While I personally prefer OOo over MSO and try to encourage people to
switch, it will be a long time yet before non-MS formats are considered



Roberto C. Sánchez

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