On Jul 10, 2007, at 1:13 PM, Sven Hoexter wrote:

Else, what can I use to test integrity of my system ?
apt-get install aide, tripwire or one of the similar tools and learn how
to use them.

To be honest, I think the value of these tools as they're usually applied* is quite dubious. A hacker with enough access to install a rootkit could also trojan tripwire or aide so that it doesn't report the security breach. As such I think you can get a false sense of security. The same criticism applies to rkhunter and chkrootkit, of course.

* The exception is if tripwire or aid is used after booting from a read-only medium (such as a live CD) and uses checksums that are also retrieved from read-only media. But few people do it this way because it's a lot of work to maintain and requires taking the machine down to do a check.

David Brodbeck
Information Technology Specialist 3
Computational Linguistics
University of Washington

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