On Jul 14, 2007, at 7:43 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

I've yet to collide with another cyclist who was following the rules.

I have to say that, as a driver, it's the unpredictability of cyclists I find distressing. They swerve suddenly into traffic, ride indiscriminately on either side of the road (or sometimes swerve back and forth between them), run stoplights, and come at you at high speed on crosswalks. If they'd either follow the rules for cars or follow the rules for pedestrians I'd at least have an idea what they were going to do and could act accordingly.

The only cyclist I've ever come close to hitting is a guy who blew through a stop sign doing at least 15 mph, on the crosswalk. There were hedges on both sides of the street, blocking my view of the sidewalk, and I didn't see him until he was just about on top of me. If I'd pulled forward another foot he would have collided with my fender. I'm sure I'd have been the one who got blamed, too, since I was driving a car and he was a defenseless cyclist. Somehow cars have gotten saddled with the responsibility of watching out for cyclists, while they apparently don't have to follow any rules whatsoever.

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