On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 11:38, Loren M Lang wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have a flash card reader which is designed to read
> from 5 different types of flash cards that I'm trying
> to get working with debian.  I plugged it into my
> linux box with a flash card with some data on it and
> linux detected the device being attached and loaded
> the usb-storage driver, lsmod and dmesg confirm this.
> When I tried to mount the flash card device /dev/sda1,
> I got an I/O Error.  My assumption is that it is trying
> to read from some other flash chip that I have and not
> my compact flash card.  I also tried sd[b-d] and get
> no device/bad address errors.  Does linux not support
> flash cards with more then one flash bay?

Try /dev/sda2-5

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