* Bob Proulx
> Oleg Verych wrote:
>> I'm just a user, but developers seem to have some problems in the
>> past: #208848.
> But Bug#208848 says that cron needed a dependency upon adduser, which
> it now has because of that bug.  Reading that bug this was
> specifically for build daemons with a minimum system without adduser
> otherwise installed.  I don't see anything about adduser misbehaving.
> That bug in particular was filed against cron not adduser.

* Bob Proulx
>> As i said, i will try to do a simple solution. If i will fail, so be it.
> The original poster Rick Spillane seemed to be having trouble with
> /etc/group becoming corrupted.  Are you having similar problems?
> What are you trying to do?

Getting rid of adduser. Misbehaving is one thing, bloated perl code is
another (see below).

>> One thing i can't see so far, why exim4 allocates dynamic UID. E.g. in
>> situation, when i will have same "/etc/", "/var/spool/exim4" but
>> different (re)installation sequence, UID may change, adding unneeded
>> troubles.
> What trouble does it cause you when an installation on different
> systems in a different order or on the same system after purging and
> reinstalling system packages in a different order uses different
> system ids?

Ids may change and i will end up with /var/spool/exim4 owned by
different user in case /etc/passwd is new.

> There are a few globally reserved ids.  But all of those must be
> between 2 and 99 because traditionally other ids started at uid 100.
> Additionally room must be left for the local admin to create system
> ids.  All globally allocated ids for all of Debian must fit between
> 2-99 and are coordinated through the base-passwd maintainer.

If i have /etc/passwd set up, i don't want to install adduser. If there
will be setup option or prompt: "Do you want to add Debian-exim4 (with
random UID)?" I want to say no. I don't want global ID. I want not
random one.

> Most systems, not just Debian, use dynamically assigned ids at package
> installation time.  This is a very common practice.  It is sometimes
> inconvenient but rarely causes serious enough problems to cause a move
> to globally allocated ids.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:$ du -hs adduser deluser 
>> ../share/perl5/Debian/AdduserCommon.pm
>> 32K     adduser
>> 16K     deluser
>> 8.0K    ../share/perl5/Debian/AdduserCommon.pm
>> 56K just for random UID/GID or similar functionality is too much (IMHO,
>> of course). Also it pulls "passwd" anyway.
> Hmm...  We have completely different ideas of scale.  That seems
> pretty small to me.  I ran perl-source-stats (from perl monks) on
> those perl scripts and this is what it turned up.
>   /usr/sbin/adduser
>   Found 745 LOC
>   Found 142 comment lines
>   /usr/sbin/deluser
>   Found 348 LOC
>   Found 63 comment lines
>   /usr/share/perl5/Debian/AdduserCommon.pm
>   Found 166 LOC
>   Found 31 comment lines

I have not yet published aggressive cleaner of disk space, and it reports
48K of pure perl, i.e. no comments and redundant whitespace. And i care
about every additional 4097 bytes, actually (for various reasons).

> That is only 1053 lines of perl code in total across all three of
> those files.  I consider that quite reasonable.  I am against the
> practice of "perl golf" where the smallest number of strokes wins.
> I much prefer verbose over terse if it improves readability.

For such functionality it's too much. So we just disagree :)

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