On Saturday 04 August 2007 08:14, percy tiglao wrote:
> Hello, I've recently purchased a Dell Inspiron 530 and wanted to get
> Debian onto it. I've installed Lenny mostly without any issues, but it
> did not autodetect my ethernet card. It is a 82562V-2 integrated card,
> at least according to the Windows Vista devise manager.

Hi Percy. As nobody has replied yet, I may as well throw in some stuff.

If Vista is correct the vendor/device id's for the card should be 8086 10c0. 
If you run lspci -v , is the card showing on the list?
> Anyway, I do have a very basic system up and running. No internet
> support or anything, so I can really only do stuff from the Windows
> side of my system right now. I'm not sure how I can get logs of what I
> do to my email from Debian so I'm sorry about the lack of the logs.
> I'll do my best to describe the error messages however.
> As I stated earlier, the installer did not detect the network card. I
> tried loading the "e1000" module inside the installation program which
> according to intel should be the module I need:
> http://downloadmirror.intel.com/9180/ENG/README.txt
> The installer wouldn't acccept it, it would just loop back to the
> "select module" screen. I tried to "modprobe e1000" manually during
> the installation, but that didn't work either. No error messages come
> up.

I've had problems with Debian detecting my Realtek 8139 card (8139too driver), 
and had to add to /etc/modules the line.

After that the networking worked ok (after a reboot that is)

It may be worth doing just that with the e1000 module.

When you modprobe the e1000 after booting up what does running lsmod show? You 
should see 2 modules to do with the network. These are mine for mii, and 
8139too. See below.

8139too                23936  0
mii                     4864  1 8139too
> After that, the rest of the system installed without any hassle, but
> obviously I cannot connect to the internet right now without any
> network card, so I don't have anything installed aside from whatever
> is on the base netinstall on Lenny.
> I've tried to "modprobe e1000" after the installation, and there seems
> to be no errors that happen. I use dmesg and aside from the loading
> message from e1000, no other messages pop up. I've also added "iface
> eth0 inet dhcp" into my /etc/network/interfaces file, and tried to do
> "ifup eth0", but that fails with the message: 'Device "eth0" does not
> exist'

I've never used dhcp, but always static addresses, as I have a bunch of 
distros that run on these 2 machines, and like to have the addresses always 
the same, but here is my /etc/network/interfaces for eth0.

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian 
# (network, broadcast and gateway are optional)
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
 gateway    (this points to the smoothwall firewall)
> Thank you for reading this message. I'd really like to get Debian up
> and running as soon as possible so please help. As an aside, all error
> messages and other logs are from memory + google. So they may not be
> 100% correct but they're the best I got right now.

I've done a bunch of Googling today about this card, and found some stuff for 
ubuntu using the 2.6.20 kernel, where the e1000 module isn't working 
correctly. Which kernel are you using? I only have a 2.6.17 one on both my 
Etch, and Lenny installs. The ubuntu bug link is below, preceded by my Google 
search line.

Linux driver for 82562V-2


The bug is 5th from the bottom, see below.
121187    E1000 driver for 82562V-2 (8086:10c0) device

I can't say much more at the moment, and have only CC'd you as you havn't had 
a reply since Saturday, and may not be viewing the list.

Perhaps someone more clued up than me may reply to my reply to your original 

All the best.


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