Jamin W. Collins wrote:
On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 04:14:58PM -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, David Fokkema wrote:

Hmmm... Shorewall's default is to start it _way_ after network
services... Anyone knows the debian way to deal with this?

Report it as a bug. A pretty major one I would say.

Should start prior to networking if at all possible or just after
(potentially even via an if-up.d script).

On my small network when I started the desktop machine with its own iptables fw before the fw box itself was up, the startup process stopped, waiting for timeouts. I wonder if this had only to do with ntp on the desktop machine not being able to connect to the internet timeserver or actually its iptables not being able to load before the fw box offered a net connection.

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