betty Snoop wrote:
> Out of the box Debian 4.0 installation.
> /etc/network/interfaces
> ------------------------------
> -
> allow-hotplug eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> -------------------------------
> Unplugging my network cable I get the following output:
> e100: eth0: e100_watchdog: link down
> Plugging it in again recognized that it's connected in, but the IP will
> not renew.  On reboot it always renews the IP correctly.
> Why does it not renew the IP automatically?  Should I be using something
> other than "allow-hotplug"?
Maybe auto eth0?

Maybe your router is forgetting IPs? Mine does and I just put a
cron.hourly with a dhclient eth0...

Jose Luis.

ghostbar on debian linux 'sid' 2.6.22 x86_64-SMP - #382503
Weblog: - - #debian-ve #debian-devel-es
San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
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