# cat ~/.Xdefaults
   *charClass:                33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48
   xterm*font:                9x15
   *background:               white
   *foreground:               black
   *scrollKey:                true
   *scrollTtyOutput:          false
   Scrollbar.JumpCursor:      true
   *visualBell:               true
   XTerm*reverseWrap:         true
   XTerm*saveLines:           9999
   XTerm*scrollBar:           true
   XTerm.VT100.titeInhibit:   true
   XTerm.VT100*dynamicColors: on
   mutt.vt100.translations:   #override \n\
            None<Btn4Down>:   string(<<) \n\
            None<Btn5Down>:   string(>>) \n
   mutt*font:                 9x15
   mutt*geometry:             150x65+50+50
   mutt*scrollBar:            false

   # grep ^bind ~/.muttrc 
   bind pager < previous-line
   bind pager > next-line

   # sudo dpkg -l '*xfree*' | grep ^i
   ii  xfree86-common 4.2.1-9        X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
   ii  xserver-xfree8 4.2.1-9        the XFree86 X server

When I first login, and open mutt, the background is _black_ and
foreground is _white_ ;<  Nor does mutt scroll wheel work . . .

When I goto an xterm, and invoke

   xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults

then, restart mutt, colors are good and scroll wheel in pager works as

I leave mutt sessions _open_ for hours and days.  After several hours,
the scroll wheel behaviour changes.  First, scrolling affects the whole
terminal session, no longer confined to the pager subset of the

Later, the scroll wheel has *no* affect at all in the mutt sessions.

Closing these mutt sessions, and starting new session[s] does *not*
correct the problem.

Logoff/logon *does* correct the problem ;<

What am I missing?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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