
In einem Terminal in KDE kann ich zwar mit su root werden, aber ich kann
keine KDE-Programme starten. Beispiel:

PlayMobil:# kwrite
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

kwrite: cannot connect to X server :0

If I understand you correctly, your problem is that root is not authorised to connect to the X server. The way I work around this (which might be not the best one) is to create a symlink to /home/davide/.Xauthority in /root/ (of course, change /home/davide/ to the path of your home folder), because my machine is single-user; more complicated situations might require the use of xauth. See man xauth and man Xsecurity.
wouldn't it be easier to use 'sux' instead (do 'aptitude install sux' to install it)? i presume you are using kdm or some other login manager - this is exactly the kind of problems one encounters with all these [gkx...]dm's. executing graphical applications by root during the session of normal user works fine for me now.



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