On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 22:53:31 -0700, Serena Cantor wrote:
>What does work "out of the box" on etch mean?
>English is my second language. I have thought that etch installation CD
>has driver for rt2500 based card and it will auto detect card, auto
>load driver and auto config wireless connection.  Surely this does not

I used to have an rt2500-based PCI card and I got it working by
compiling and installing the kernel module that comes in
'rt2500-source' (using module-assistant).  However, I installed my
system using a wired ethernet card.

So, in short, installing might require you moving your computer within
"wire distance" to your router/moden/whatever, but after that you'll be
able to enjoy wireless networking :)


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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