I am new to Debian. I installed Etch on a Dell precision laptop. I use DHCP.

I have lots of questions, but I will start with this one:

 I created an iptables script that I downloaded, and set it up using

# update-rc.d firewall.script defaults

 However, after doing this, I noticed that CUPS would not work. (It had been
working well.)

The firefox browser returned the message "The server at localhost is taking
too long to respond." when I tried to connect to http://localhost:631.

I also tried, and it gave the same responce.

I also could not ping localhost or

So I removed the firewall using

# update-rc.d -f firewall.script remove

and rebooted.

Now, when I run

# iptables -L

I get

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

 *However, I still can't access CUPS or ping localhost.*

 What might be wrong?

Where do I start to look?


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