Osamu Aoki wrote:
> I hear hg (Mercurial at http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/ ) is better on
> Windows as modern distributed VCS than git.  Both of these are good if
> you want to record revision off-line and sync with server occasionally.
> But these are new...

    Just for the record for those who have been following this discussion I
decided to go with Osamu's suggestion of Mercurial.  It seemed to meet most of
my needs as well as they could be met.  It also seems insanely trivial to get
started in.  While I do not really plan to use the distributed revisions there
might be a need for it as one of the machines I plan to use is a laptop.

    However the decision came down to one factor which I did not list.  When I
was reviewing SVN one thing popped into my head over and over, "Why Perl!?"
As anyone who's been around this list and read my many long-winded posts on
scripting know I am a total Python geek.  Mercurial is written in Python.  So
while I have no doubts about SVN's suitability for the task at hand I decided
to go with the tool written in the language I trust and, if needed, can hack.  

    Thank you everyone for a wonderful discussion.  Even you, Ron.  I know you
were trying to help and I apologize for having gotten a tad snippy.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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