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On 09/25/07 11:55, Mike McCarty wrote:
> I have some feedback about my GF who uses Debian at my suggestion.
> I have no irons in the fire on this one, as I don't use Debian,
> though I do administer her machine for her. So, please don't take
> this as a complaint from me, as it isn't. I'm simply informing
> the Debian forum of a situation.
> She's had four problems with using Debian on her machine,
> and support response from this forum has been somewhat less
> than she had hoped for. Of the four problems, one I was able

I've come to the conclusion that Debian isn't an end-user[0] distro.
 It should only be managed by knowledgeable geeks.

[0] Grandma/SO successfully using Debian to read email, surf the web
and look at photos in eog/gqview and write the occasional document
in OOo or AbiWord is more of a kiosk than a GP system.

> to fix up somewhat by cooking up a printer description file
> for her new printer, which now works in a limited sense. One
> of them we have a work around, though it isn't pleasant, and
> requires me to do some physical recabling of the machine.
> The other two remain completely unfixed.

Linux has limitations.  Sometimes it's lack of kernel driver,
sometimes it's proprietary network protocols, sometimes it's a
less-fully-functional-than-Windows app, and sometimes is just that
the app isn't polished.

> Anyway, she bought a copy of Windows XP a few weeks ago, and I'm
> pretty sure she intends to install this weekend, since she
> sent me an e-mail showing that she purchased a copy of F-Prot
> for Windows. This would be a "heads up" for me, indicating
> what might be on the "honey do" list for this weekend.

The grass is *not* greener on the other side.  Just different.

She'll find that out the first time that malware sneaks past F-Prot.

> I provide this only to let you know that it looks like Debian
> is going to lose a user to Windows shortly, due to perceived
> lack of concern over user's difficulties shown by those who do
> support for Debian. I have gently nudged her in the direction of
> sticking with it a little longer, and so due to my reluctance to
> kill Debian she has. But things seemingly have just gone on too
> long.


- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

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