cothrige wrote:

After walking in from a day of my kids' soccer matches I noticed this
thread and feel I really must post a comment.  I may be very late to

It seems like just one of those things, doesn't it :-)


which posts or questions were those being talked about here.  Really,
with everything being discussed here how could everybody notice and
remember every thread?

Of course not.

I also think everyone here has a desire for Linux to be a viable
alternative to Windows (I happen to believe it already is one since I in
fact use it instead of that OS) and so would certainly assume your

Umm, some comments I've received cause me to believe that not
everyone here is like that.

In any case, my desire was not to ask for help, as that's
already been done before. My intent was to inform of what
kinds of considerations went into the decision of one Debian
user to switch to Windows XP. I wasn't making a last moment
plea for help to try to keep her on Debian, nor trying to
criticize Debian devel group nor any of the users nor other
members of this forum. I'm not sure but what her reaction would
be the same for any Linux distro. Ecah has its strong points
and weak points. I've used several, and none is clearly
better than all the others for everyone.


I believe that is what the poster above was saying, and most likely you
understood him as being defensive or confrontational.  I really don't
think the people here are trying to be in any way argumentative, but
rather are asking for more info, even if you aren't going to be here to
hear the answers.  It is just a natural desire to see what mistakes were

See my other message which lists the challenges for Debian with
her hardware setup. They have been mentioned before (except for
the RAM upgrade, which occurred just a few weeks ago), but I
repost them just for those who have interest.

Whether having fixes by Saturday will cause her to retain
Debian is a debatable point. I suspect that Windows XP is
going on this machine, and that's the end of the matter.
Even if Debian survives as a boot option, and the machine
becomes dual boot, I suspect that Debian will not get booted
very often, if at all.

I intend to make a backup before doing anything drastic,
at least. I may just make a tar of the entire disc using
Knoppix or sth like that as well.

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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