On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 01:14:06PM -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
> Mike McCarty wrote:
> Thanks all for the advice and help with this. I went over
> Windows XP.

snipped tale of the death of a free computer... and a fantastic
anecdote in support of RTFM!

> Anyway, unless I want to make a hobby of making that machine
> able to boot Debian, and fiddling with it just to see if it
> could have been made to work, I'm afraid Debian is pretty
> much gone on this machine. Even if I make the machine dual
> boot, I wonder just how often it actually would get booted
> to Debian. Her plan is to use Knoppix to move her mail files
> etc. from the Debian partition to an external FAT drive,
> and then reboot Windows and import.

how ironic that she will be using a debian derivative to get her
windows installation into a state she wants. 

What can I say Mike, we tried. 



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