On Fri, 2007.09.28 21:25, helices wrote:
> Bill Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007:09:28:16:18:26-0700] scribed:
> > If you are looking at just recovering a system that won't boot, you
> > don't need a specific Debian disk to do it. I usually carry a copy of
> > the System Rescue CD (http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page). It has all
> > of the tools I need to recover a downed system. If I need to work on
> > the Debian system itself, I mount the drive and chroot into the
> > partition. Once there I can su to root so that I am using the proper
> > Debian environment, run apt-get to update software, and test the
> > configuration of any of the installed services or utilities.
> > 
> > Why re-invent the wheel?
> Well, because the two (2) systems on which I have experienced these --
> to me -- insurmountable boot problems were running lvm on top of
> software raid 5.  I was NOT able to get to the root filesystem files
> using debian rescue cd nor knoppix.  Both times this happened, it had
> something to do with initramfs; but, after many, many days of struggle,
> it became easier to rebuild from scratch, and to restore specifics on
> top of that from tape.

When I started using encryption, I was concerned about having access to the 
data easily in the case of a broken system.  I wanted a rescue/live CD that 
would provide all the necessary Debian tools similarly enough that I could 
easily rescue my data using it if necessary.  What I now use primarily is GRML 
from http://www.grml.org ; it is closely based on Debian, such that it actually 
resembles Debian (contrasted with Knoppix which, as far as I know, does not
resemble Debian and is not really compatible with Debian's packages) and 
includes many Debian packages.  As I see it: if you manage to set something up
using Debian, GRML ought to work with it too without any problems.

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