Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 30, 2007 at 09:11:50PM -0400, Manu Hack wrote:
>> That's what I'm doing.  But is it possible to increase the size for
>> apt-get upgrade and apt-get install?  Right now I can use that 5G for
>> personal use but for the main thing like in /usr what's the best way
>> to make use of that 5G?
>> Any good website showing how to do add space at multiple points in the
>> file system?
> Put a filesystem on it (e.g. ext3), mount it under /mnt, cp -a or rsync
> (or even use mc) everything under /usr, then unmount it from /mnt and
> mount it as /usr.  If it works, unmount it, change /etc/fstab, remove
> everything under /usr and reboot.

harland christofferson wrote:

why would you need to reboot. wouldn't deleting the mount point from /etc/mtab 
and running mount -a work instead? 

> Your main partition filesystem will now have additional free space
> equivalanet to the size of /usr.
To add this space at multiple points in the filesystem:

* Use fdisk (or your favorite partitioner) to remove hda1
* Recreate hda1 as an extended partition
* Create as many logical partitions within the extended partition as you 
* Mount these logical partitions wherever you need them in the filesystem

Marc Shapiro

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