Michael Acklin wrote:

Hi Mihira and all,

I was very intrigued when I saw your message. I am in the process of setting up a server and this would work great for me. I just registered with the site and set up my first sub-domain. That worked fine but now I am at a loss.

This is my situation. I set up a sub-domain named antifoo with a domain name of chickenlips.com

FreeDNS is pointing my dsl conncection to my ip address of, which infact is my router. The server I want to set up on the net is behind my router at and I want the server to be able to be accessed by the antifoo.chickenlips.com address.

Does anyone know what I can do to get this to work? I have a D-Link DI-624 4port/wireless router and I know I will have to do something there and then set up my debian server somehow.

I appologize for being such a newbie but I am somewhat new at the Network configuration stuff. But I really like this list as everyone has been so helpful to everyone. Have never seen anyone get pounded by users here. But hopefully I won't be the first. :)

Thanks in advance...


Provided, your IP is static, simply set port forwarding in your Router so that ports for web/email/etc. will be forwarded to your server (at

At FreeDNS, point the antifoo.chickenlips.com to your public IP (Router).


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