On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 01:59:19PM -0400, Richard Carter wrote:
> Thanks for all the comments.
> Yes, Andrew, you are absolutely correct,  I didn't read the output from
> aptitude carefully enough, partly because I didn't understand what much of
> it meant.  So I'm especially grateful for your tutorial.
> Up to now I hadn't thought that /root was full because as df -h shows below
> there is still some space left in /
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/redcube-root
>                       268M  215M   40M  85% /
> A better solution would be to move some space from /home to / , and perhaps
> to /usr.  My HD has a big, non-encrypted partition for everything except
> /boot  created by Logical  Volume Management.  This should make shifting
> space around fairly straight forward, although I don't yet know how to do
> it.  I'll read the literature on this and if I'm confused I'll start another
> thread on LVM.

man resize2fs
man lvresize



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