Hi! I want to install Debian testing from HDD. I can't install it from CD/DVD because my DVD-ROM isn't working properly. For this unusual installing I need to download: 1. installation image 2. files hd-media/initr.gz and hd-media/vmlinuz . I've downloaded the installation medium to the root directory. But I can't find the right version of files initr.gz and vmlinuz. I tried those files from the image, but an installation process wasn't proper because it was finding the installation image on CD-ROM. I tried some version of these files from http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/lenny/main/installer-i386/current//images/hd-media/ but the installator said: versions of kernel (in image and file, which I've downloaded) aren't the same, so the installation process didn't work. I was finding these files but I still can't install it from HDD. I hope, somebody can help me. Thanks...
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