On Saturday 03 November 2007 5:49:04 pm Kelly Clowers wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2007 2:02 PM, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Looking to get into programming for linux,
> > would like to do: Java, Perl & Lisp
> >
> > What editors (IDE or RAD) environment application would work
> > or if needed to run 2 or 3 different editors that would be fine too.
> >
> > (please no: emacs or vi (or command line apps)
> >
> > wanting something that would be better than xcode on the mac,
> > which contain all libraries, and syntax for dozen of languages,
> > it just made it easier to type and see a drop down command choice,
> > from the contextual menu. with a built-in debugger..neat.
> I am not much of a programmer, and I haven't used XCode, but
> I don't think you will find anything comparable to XCode on Linux.
> OS X is developed entirely by one company from top to bottom,
> and it is guided by one man's vision. XCode is developed by the
> same company.
> "Linux", on the other hand, is a bundle of hundreds or thousands
> of separate parts, all developed by different companies,
> organizations, or individuals. Many of the components have the
> same or overlapping goals. "Linux" is a huge, messy ecosystem
> of software, and it would be just about impossible to create an
> IDE that is to Linux as XCode is to OS X.
> Anyway, besides the previously mentioned KDevelop, Eclipse
> and NetBeans, there is Ajunta (Gnome), IntelliJ IDEA (proprietary,
> costs $), JBuilder (costs $, built on Eclipse), and Komodo
> (free and $ versions). There are others but those are some of
> the most well known (also, each one of those does not
> necessarily support all of [Java, Lisp, Perl]).
> Cheers,
> Kelly Clowers

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