On Thursday 31 Jul 2003 12:23, Richard Lyons wrote:
> On Thursday 31 July 2003 11:30, Tom Badran wrote:
> [...]
> > you need gpm running to get a mouse on the console. (apt-get
> > install gpm)
> >
> > And you will then want to reconfigure x to read from the gpm device
> > rather than directly from the mouse
> Aah.  You don't happen to know exactly how that configuration should
> look?  On installing gpm, it does

Sorry mate, i dont use it so i cant be exactly sure. 

The gpm configuration looked fine, then do a dpkg-reconfigure xfree86-common 
(or is it xserver-xfree86) and on the question about the mouse there you use 
/dev/gpmdata (or something similiar, its in the list of available options)


 ^__^               Tom Badran
 (oo)\______        Imperial College
(__)\       )\/\    
    ||----w |       
    ||     ||       Using Debian SID

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