Webjay wrote:
> Christian Jaeger wrote:
> > Sjoerd Hiemstra wrote:
> > > Note that Apple partitioning is different from PC partitioning.
> > > When mounting a hfs+ partition, it looks like you have 4 or 10
> > > partitions, only one of them (possibly sda2 or sda4) is usable,
> > > all the others appear to have zero length.
> > 
> > Well iirc they don't have zero length, but contain stuff like
> > drivers or so (I'm not sure whether that is just a relict of old
> > pre-OSX MacOS times, though, so nowadays hey could possibly really
> > be empty).
> > 
> > > I once saw this in a partitioning program of another distro; in
> > > Debian I haven't found a way yet to make these partitions visible.
> > 
> > If your /dev is being handled by udev (as is the case for etch),
> > then you can easily check whether the kernel understands the
> > partition table: if there's not only a /dev/sda, but also /dev/sda
> > [1-9]* device files present after attaching the disk, then the
> > kernel understands the partitioning just fine (you can also check
> > kern.log).
> > 
> > I guess you mean that you haven't found a way to get a partition
> > listing with sizes.
> The solution was:
> # mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda2 /mnt/usbdisk
> In /etc/fstab I have:
> /dev/sda2     /mnt/usbdisk    hfsplus
> rw,user,noauto        0       0
> And to fix some ownership issues I did this:
> # chgrp -R users /mnt/usbdisk
> Thanks for your help everyone :)

Yet, let me show things a little clearer.
I used to work with SUSE formerly, and in the Partitioner (part of
YaST, their configuration utility) my HFS+-formatted USB stick shows up
like this:

    http://home.kpnplanet.nl/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/suse_partitioner.png

Note that the USB stick has created sda1 through sda9, and it is
accessible through sda9 !

In Debian I found that gparted can make this visible, have a look at
this screenshot of gparted:

    http://home.kpnplanet.nl/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/gparted.png

The USB stick was partitioned with Mac's Disk Utility, with the option
to install drivers for OS9.
Without this option, only sda1`through sda4 are created, and the USB
drive used to be accessible through sda2.

But the Mac partitioner also offers the option to create a PC
compatible partition table, which is what I usually have. In this case,
only sda1 shows up, as usual.

> > You just need kernel support (either as module or compiled in). The 
> > kernel configuration variable is CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION (for mac 
> > partitions, anyway), should you compile it yourself. 
> > linux-image-2.6.18-5-486 does have that compiled in already, as can
> > be seen in /boot/config-2.6.18-5-486

I just added the line 'hfsplus' to /etc/modules.
In /etc/fstab I have:

    /dev/sda1   /media/sda1   auto   rw,user,noauto   0  0

That's all what is needed to access the HFS+ drive.

Note that there's also the hfsplus package. Without the need for the
hfsplus module, it has commands such as hmount, hcopy etc., and it can
do mac <--> unix text conversion, and conversion from/to MacBin and
BinHex formats.

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