andy wrote:
Nigel Henry wrote:
I havn't tried Marc's script yet, but if it works as he says, it should remove all but the latest package versions in /var/cache/apt/archives.

Perhaps "clean-all-but-the-latest" would be a good addition to apt-get.

Only light hearted week-end ramblings.

To confirm, having tried Marc's script it *does* do exactly that - either with the option to agree the removal of each package or using the -d switch, to make it do it automatically. And it is the latest that is selected by default to be retained.

I'm glad to hear that the program is being useful for people other than myself. The only problem that I have ever had with it is that on occasion the output of 'ls' has changed and that has caused problems when it goes to check the dates. That has not happened for quite a while, though. With any luck, the output format of 'ls' will be left alone.

Marc Shapiro

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