
I don't know if I'm at the right place to explane my situation. I would
like to now how to solve the bug I have when I try to reach the
directories'properties with nautilus like shown in this report:

      *  Distribution: Debian lenny/sid
      * Gnome Release: 2.20.1 2007-10-26 (Debian)
      * BugBuddy Version: 2.20.1
      * System: Linux 2.6.22-2-686 #1 SMP Fri Aug 31 00:24:01 UTC 2007
      * X Vendor: The X.Org Foundation
      * X Vendor Release: 10300000
      * Selinux: No
      * Accessibility: Disabled
      * GTK+ Theme: Clearlooks
      * Icon Theme: gnome
      * Memory status: size: 71696384 vsize: 71696384 resident: 21303296
        share: 14696448 rss: 21303296 rss_rlim: 4294967295
      * CPU usage: start_time: 1195457497 rtime: 318 utime: 290 stime:
        28 cutime:0 cstime: 0 timeout: 0 it_real_value: 0 frequency: 100
      * Backtrace was generated from '/usr/bin/nautilus'
      * Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
      * [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
      * [New Thread 0xb6db98c0 (LWP 3377)]
      * 0xb7610bf1 in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
      * #0  0xb7610bf1 in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
      * #1  0xb7cfa865 in libgnomeui_segv_handle (signum=6) at
      * #2  <signal handler called>
      * #3  0xb72b07d6 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
      * #4  0xb72b20f1 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
      * #5  0xb755fe99 in IA__g_logv (log_domain=0xb7b7e957 "Gtk", 
      *     log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 
      *     format=0xb759091c "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed:
      *     args1=0xbfa6745c "\210eÀ·\215\006")
      *     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmessages.c:497
      * #6  0xb755fec9 in IA__g_log (log_domain=0xb7b7e957 "Gtk", 
      *     log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 
      *     format=0xb759091c "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed:
      *     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmessages.c:517
      * #7  0xb755ff40 in IA__g_assert_warning (log_domain=0xb7b7e957
      *     file=0xb7c06588 "/tmp/buildd/gtk
      *     line=1677, pretty_function=0xb7c06c78
      *     expression=0xb7c065b8 "VALID_ITER (&iter_b, list_store)")
      *     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmessages.c:552
      * #8  0xb7a18147 in gtk_list_store_compare_func (a=0x85a9c10,
      *     user_data=0x84fbf58) at /tmp/buildd/gtk
      * #9  0x081518b0 in node_find_closest (haystack=<value optimized
      *     needle=0x862b460, end=0x85969d8, 
      *     cmp_func=0xb7a180a0 <gtk_list_store_compare_func>,
      *     at gsequence.c:1136
      * #10 0x08151a7d in node_insert_sorted (node=0x0, new=0x862b460,
      *     cmp_func=0xb7a180a0 <gtk_list_store_compare_func>,
      *     at gsequence.c:1301
      * #11 0x081523ce in g_sequence_sort_changed_iter (iter=0x862b460, 
      *     iter_cmp=0xb7a180a0 <gtk_list_store_compare_func>,
      *     at gsequence.c:566
      * #12 0xb7a18653 in gtk_list_store_sort_iter_changed
      *     iter=0xbfa6764c, column=<value optimized out>)
      *     at /tmp/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.1/gtk/gtkliststore.c:1758
      * #13 0xb7a1a3ac in IA__gtk_list_store_set_valist
      *     iter=0xbfa6764c, var_args=0xbfa675e8 "")
      *     at /tmp/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.1/gtk/gtkliststore.c:901
      * #14 0xb7a1a412 in IA__gtk_list_store_set (list_store=0x84fbf58, 
      *     iter=0xbfa6764c) at /tmp/buildd/gtk
      * #15 0xb7f14bad in ?? () from /usr/lib/libeel-2-2.18.so
      * #16 0x084fbf58 in ?? ()
      * #17 0xbfa6764c in ?? ()
      * #18 0x00000000 in ?? ()
      * Thread 1 (Thread 0xb6db98c0 (LWP 3377)):
      * #0  0xb7610bf1 in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #1  0xb7cfa865 in libgnomeui_segv_handle (signum=6) at
      *         estatus = 135624608
      *         sa = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0, sa_sigaction =
      *   sa_mask = {__val = {3076573824, 140391952, 3215354632,
      *       135787592, 3074203636, 3074208064, 140752952, 3215354680,
      *       3074208064, 140752952, 140391952, 0, 0, 140752944,
      *       135624143, 135624142, 3076290172, 140752952, 3074203636,
      *       3075860833, 140752952, 3074203636, 28, 140752952,
      *       3215355692, 3215354744, 134806766}}, sa_flags =
      *   sa_restorer = 0}
      *         pid = 0
      *         in_segv = 1
      * #2  <signal handler called>
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #3  0xb72b07d6 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #4  0xb72b20f1 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #5  0xb755fe99 in IA__g_logv (log_domain=0xb7b7e957 "Gtk", 
      *     log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 
      *     format=0xb759091c "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed:
      *     args1=0xbfa6745c "\210eÀ·\215\006")
      *     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmessages.c:497
      *         depth = 1
      *         domain = (GLogDomain *) 0x0
      *         data = (gpointer) 0x0
      *         log_func = (GLogFunc) 0x808fc20 <log_override_cb>
      *         domain_fatal_mask = 5
      *         test_level = <value optimized out>
      *         was_recursion = 0
      *         i = <value optimized out>
      * #6  0xb755fec9 in IA__g_log (log_domain=0xb7b7e957 "Gtk", 
      *     log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 
      *     format=0xb759091c "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed:
      *     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmessages.c:517
      *         args = 0xbfa6745c "\210eÀ·\215\006"
      * #7  0xb755ff40 in IA__g_assert_warning (log_domain=0xb7b7e957
      *     file=0xb7c06588 "/tmp/buildd/gtk
      *     line=1677, pretty_function=0xb7c06c78
      *     expression=0xb7c065b8 "VALID_ITER (&iter_b, list_store)")
      *     at /tmp/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gmessages.c:552
      * No locals.
      * #8  0xb7a18147 in gtk_list_store_compare_func (a=0x85a9c10,
      *     user_data=0x84fbf58) at /tmp/buildd/gtk
      *         header = <value optimized out>
      *         iter_a = {stamp = 304756863, user_data = 0x85a9c10, 
      *   user_data2 = 0x817b7b8, user_data3 = 0xbfa674e8}
      *         iter_b = {stamp = 304756863, user_data = 0x862b460, 
      *   user_data2 = 0x817b7b8, user_data3 = 0xbfa674d8}
      *         retval = <value optimized out>
      *         func = (
      *     GtkTreeIterCompareFunc) 0xb7afdad0
      *         data = (gpointer) 0x2
      *         __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "gtk_list_store_compare_func"
      * #9  0x081518b0 in node_find_closest (haystack=<value optimized
      *     needle=0x862b460, end=0x85969d8, 
      *     cmp_func=0xb7a180a0 <gtk_list_store_compare_func>,
      *     at gsequence.c:1136
      *         c = 1
      *         __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "node_find_closest"
      * #10 0x08151a7d in node_insert_sorted (node=0x0, new=0x862b460,
      *     cmp_func=0xb7a180a0 <gtk_list_store_compare_func>,
      *     at gsequence.c:1301
      *         closest = (GSequenceNode *) 0x0
      * #11 0x081523ce in g_sequence_sort_changed_iter (iter=0x862b460, 
      *     iter_cmp=0xb7a180a0 <gtk_list_store_compare_func>,
      *     at gsequence.c:566
      *         seq = (GSequence *) 0x8588318
      *         __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_sequence_sort_changed_iter"
      * #12 0xb7a18653 in gtk_list_store_sort_iter_changed
      *     iter=0xbfa6764c, column=<value optimized out>)
      *     at /tmp/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.1/gtk/gtkliststore.c:1758
      *         old_positions = (GHashTable *) 0x862db60
      *         order = <value optimized out>
      *         path = <value optimized out>
      * #13 0xb7a1a3ac in IA__gtk_list_store_set_valist
      *     iter=0xbfa6764c, var_args=0xbfa675e8 "")
      *     at /tmp/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.1/gtk/gtkliststore.c:901
      *         emit_signal = 1
      *         maybe_need_sort = 1
      *         __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "IA__gtk_list_store_set_valist"
      * #14 0xb7a1a412 in IA__gtk_list_store_set (list_store=0x84fbf58, 
      *     iter=0xbfa6764c) at /tmp/buildd/gtk
      *         var_args = 0xbfa675e8 ""
      * #15 0xb7f14bad in ?? () from /usr/lib/libeel-2-2.18.so
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #16 0x084fbf58 in ?? ()
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #17 0xbfa6764c in ?? ()
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #18 0x00000000 in ?? ()
      * No symbol table info available.
      * #0  0xb7610bf1 in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
      * The program is running.  Quit anyway (and detach it)? (y or n)
        [answered Y; input not from terminal]
      * ----------- .xsession-errors (14 sec old) ---------------------
      * /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
      * SESSION_MANAGER=local/debian-lenny:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3295
      * Avertissement du gestionnaire de fenêtres : La lecture du
        fichier de session
        enregistré /home/benoit/.metacity/sessions/default0.ms a
        échoué : Failed to open file '/home/benoit/.metacity/session
      * Initializing gnome-mount extension
      * (gnome-panel:3375): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate():
        attempt to allocate widget with width -9 and height 24
      * ** Message: drive = 0
      * ** Message: volume = 0
      * ** Message: drive = 0
      * ** Message: volume = 0
      * ** Message: drive = 0
      * ** Message: volume = 0
      * Gtk-ERROR **: file /tmp/buildd/gtk
        +2.0-2.12.1/gtk/gtkliststore.c: line 1677
        (gtk_list_store_compare_func): assertion failed: (VALID_ITER
        (&iter_b, list_store))
      * aborting...
      * --------------------------------------------------

When I sent the report to

the bug-buddy master send me this answer :

      * ------------------------------------------------------
      * You recently submitted a bugreport to GNOME Bugzilla using
      * You recently submitted a bug report to GNOME Bugzilla using
      * Thank you for reporting this bug.
      * This is a distro-specific bug and updating to the latest
        versions of Nautilus
      * and glib will solve the issue.
      * Please refer to bug tracking system of your distributor for any
        updates (for
      * example if you run Debian, please refer to
        http://www.debian.org/Bugs/ ).
      * http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440988

I thank you to read my mail and hope for you a good day.
Beforehand thank you for the attention which you give me

Van Bleyenberghe Benoit

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