>> well to an extent this is an extension of my last
>> thread. does anyone know of any metapackages that
>> contain all the cli tools in one place, if not
>then i
>> am off to RTM at http://people.debian.org/ on
>> metapackages and try to work something out, though
>> is not something that i am strong at. anyone
>> to help or comment please feel free to contact me
>> or off of the list.
>I don't know if one exists, but in >aptitude's
"graphical" interface
>there is a complete listing of meta-packages.
>> my other intrest would be to create a ncurses
>> overlay for terminal that would allow multiple
>> without logging into more than one tty, though i
>> not sure if one exists or not (i am also going to
>> at twin)
>Why not use X, a tiling WM like wmii, or xmonad and
>Xinerama? These
>give a keyboard oriented, terminal like environment
>using lots of
>xterms. Genuinely curious here as to why you would
>jump through a
>bunch of hoops when something already exists... or
>why this option
>doesn't meet your needs.

the biggest part of it is that it is a learning
experience for me, both to see what can be done
without the x server installed, and to work on
programing which is certainly not a strong suit for me
at the moment.

a CLI metapackage was more a question of intrest (and
an area of opportunity if one does not exist). right
now with the base system installed and every
commandline tool that i can find also installed along
with ncurses tools i have a footprint of approximately
1GB as opposed to my other partition that has X, KDE,
and all the fancy graphical tools installed that has a
footprint of around 9GB (though several of these are
not essential and some are repetative like firefox in
addition to konqueror as is necessary to meet both my
wife and my differing tastes)

the final reason is that the idea of a ncurses based
enviroment intrests me (as far as i know the last was
elixer on the xerox star) it seems that it could be
done for basic useability without needing the X server.


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