> > I used to have a file which contained
> >
> > ifconfig eth1 XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW  netmask
> > route add default gw  XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1
> > cat "seach <domain>"   >> /etc/resolv.conf
> > cat "nameserver  AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD"  >> resolv.conf
> I think you meant 'echo' instead of 'cat', and 'search' instead of
> 'seach'. Also you seem to be appending to /etc/resolv.conf everytime. If
> that is the case, then the resolver is probably using some other search
> path somewhere in the beginning of the file. You might want to fix your
> script so that it overwrites the file instead.
Thanks - that was the problem. - "seach"
Very stupid of me. Still learning and would be lost without the list.

Now onto the next issue - the video card.
I'll start a new thread.

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