On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 07:08:22PM +0100, Erik Jakobsen wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> > we really sort of need more details about this, like what camera, what
> > are you trying to build, where you got the code, etc etc etc.
> >
> >   
> >
> > just what it says here. I suspect that this is causing most of the
> > rest of these errors. It almost looks like there's a missing paren or
> > brace somewhere, but I'm no C coder. 
> >
> >
> >   
> Thanks for your reply.
> I want to install the PWC software for my Logitech Webcam Pro 4000
> I got the code from here:
> http://www.saillard.org/linux/pwc/files/
> And i tried form ther pwc-10.0.11.tar.bz2

well there is now a 10.0.12-rc1 out so you might look into that. 

> And install per this information:
> http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/PWC/InstallationStandAloneModuleKernel2x6
> Is that ok ?

looks reasonable. What kernel are you building for? 

any reason why you aren't using pwc-source package from debian? Also
note that package claims that after 2.6.18 the pwc module is no longer
needed as the "uncompressor thingy" is in the kernel tree, so you may
not need it at all. Indeed, I do have pwc* modules on my system. 


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