On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 08:20:20AM +0000, Tim Diggins wrote:
> Hi list  -
> have recently started with debian etch (sort of know what I'm doing in BSD, 
> linux is a /slightly/ new adventure).
> I want to install jdk (and tomcat) by the simplest means, but DON'T want to 
> install x11 stuff.

it depends on libx11-6. That is *not* X, just the libraries required
to forward x11. So that you could forward java x11 stuff from this box
to some other box that is actually running X. this all assumes you're
trying to install sun-java6(5?)-jdk.

> the standard etch package for jdk1.5 seems to require x11. Is there a way 
> to install this without installing x?

libx11-6 is required. UNless you could find some dummy package to
pretend to provide it. 

> any pointers (including pointers to generic apt no-x11 configuration that 
> I've missed - though I have search for it) very welcome

there is now way I know of to explicitly exclude X (as in the whole
gui experience) without paying attention to what gets dragged in by
installing stuff. Unless, you want to get into apt-pinning, which is
worth reading up on. If you could pin xserver-xorg* to a negative
number, then they'll never be installed unless you explicitly ask for
it. Not sure what happens in that case if you try to install something
that depends on it, though... 


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