On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 11:59:07AM -0600, Bob Goldberg wrote:
> On Dec 5, 9:50 pm, Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > exchange_router:
> >         driver = manualroute # not manual!
> >         data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/path/to/recipient-file}}
> >         transport = exchange_smtp
> >
> > you don't need a 'fail' part (other thread) because since this router
> > won't match, and the ACL above will deny it. I think.
> >
> Andrew:
> 10TB TX!  your posts helped immensely!


> Now the whole process is starting to make some sense to me.... nothing like
> a good example to get you going!
> I "think" I can now handle the specifics of what I need to do
> programatically (in the conf file). I should at least know enuf to do some
> decent testing...

That example file is the best documentation out there. Once you more
or less grok that file, then the specs on the exim website begin to
make sense.

> I believe there have only been 2 people, you & someone else that made
> reference to the the example conf file distributed with exim.  This file

I think that was me too ;)

> makes more sense than the conf other files. I am at a complete loss as to
> why more references to this file do not seem to exist - particularly in
> doc's/faq's I've read on debian & exim sites.
> I had actually <u>started</u> to go thru this file before, but I stopped,
> because of 1 crucial thing.
> Even IF I got the file perfect - I'm still not sure where it goes! LOL.


> I have to assume it should not go in /etc/exim.conf  as there IS an exim4
> directory...
> no man page for exim.conf....


it will override debconf's version. 

> anyway... I had given up on exim.conf as a solution for all of the above
> reasons...

good luck!


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