On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:04:04AM -0700, Jeremy Brooks wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using debian testing, on an IBM thinkpad A31.  I am attempting to
> copy large (>600MB) files from CD to my HD.  I am getting i/o errors:
> cp: reading `/cdrom/The Fifth Element.avi': Input/output error
> In this case, it read 530MB of the file before giving me the error. 
> Anybody have any ideas about this one?
> There's plenty of space on the HD.
Does it always do it at roughly 530MB or thereabouts? Does it do it if
you take any old CD which is nearly full and dd if=/dev/cdrom
of=/dev/null ? If so you many have a mechanical fault with the CD
drive - maybe there's a sticky spot in the head's movement which just
needs lubricating, or maybe a gear in the drive has shed a tooth.


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