On Sunday 16 December 2007, David Fox wrote:
> On 12/16/07, Christof Hurschler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Then I'm not the only one that is suffering.  I've seldom been so amazed
> > by a program, and also frustrated.  I started with the etch version (of
> > both
> I don't recall too many crashing issues using amarok in etch, but did
> recall some other things, like losing parts of my collection database,
> and having to redo the collection from time to time -- and that still
> happens sometimes with even the current one in lenny.
> Besides, the version in etch wasn't able to see my iriver t3 mp3
> player - but 1.4.7.b1 does, and I've only recently. Even then, there
> are issues, such as what shows up in the device's playlist, much of
> which are blank info, maybe because it was synced using mpttools
> before, as that was pretty much the only way to write files to the
> device. But it also has crashed a few times when writing to the
> device.

I use amarok because I like its features, and I don't thing there is anything 
comprable or better in linux as far as the features go.  I think it's much 
better than itunes or any of the other stuff I've seen in windows.

The crashes I observe have been on playback, and are very difficult to 
reproduce:  on upgrade to b2 I let it run overnight with random playlist 
population - it did fine.  Then, and this proves Murphys laws the millionth 
time, when I really wanted to listen to music it  hung (!"§$!§$!§$).

I found some bug reports on earlier versions, but don't know if they were 
resolved or not.


C. Hurschler

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