On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 11:57:32PM +0530, Amogh Hooshdar wrote:
> I am on Lenny and I am doing aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade
> (dist-upgrade to lenny itself to make it more uptodate and get the
> newer kernel also).
> I did not go ahead with it because it wants to remove a lot of
> xserver-org-input-* and xserver-org-video-* packages. I have included
> the complete aptitude dist-upgrade below. Please tell me why it wants
> to remove all those xserver-org-* stuff. Are they really not required?
> Is there anything else replacing them? Removing them would do no harm
> to my GUI?

[snip aptitude output]

You really need only one video package, the one for your video card, and 
xserver-xorg-input-kbd and xserver-xorg-input-mouse. But your situation 
doesn't look very good. Maybe there is some transition going in testing 
so you should wait for a day or two.

And you also have some problems with the signatures. Do you have 
debian-archive-keyring installed?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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