2008/1/12, Douglas A. Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Try installing minicom and setting it up.  Then try talking to your
> modem.  Is this an internal or external modem?  ttyS0 is usually the
> first serial port on the box so I'm guessing external.  What kind?  What
> lights does it show?  Turn up the speaker, do you hear it dial, is there
> an answer, do you hear handshaking?

  I try to install minicom and talking my modem, the output is only this:

Compiled on Jan  7 2007, 19:01:49.
Port /dev/tty8

my modem is:

external modem dial up/isdn   TRUST.

after the disconnection the light I show are:


and stop.

I try to uninstall and reinstall again ppp, pppconfing and wvdial, but
the situation is the same.
When I reboot or the shutdown the machine sometimes the connection
start up again.
One hour ago, at least, the connection is died and won't start in any way.

thanks and good morning/night.

"In internet il saper leggere equivale al saper ascoltare nella
realtà, chi sa ascoltare possiede le chiavi di  molte porte"
Micaela Gallerini

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