On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 11:55:56AM +0100, Jozef Peterka wrote:
> Hi there,
> I would like to say some of my very humble opinions. 
> 1. We should concentrate our efforts on Wiki pages, cause they seem to
> me unmaintaned and outdated :/... and on other ONLINE resources as

I don't disagree with you in principle. The problem I see is that many
of the contributors to this list seem to avoid using things like
wikis. Compared to the efficiency of communication achieved with a
simple email, the hassle of editting a wiki page is pretty much a
non-starter. At least that's the case for me. 

Some brave souls have attempted to parse this list for useful bits to
put up on the wiki pages, but I don't know how fruitful those efforts
have been. That kind of work requires dedicated souls to keep at the
work consistently. A lot of us around here tend to help out when we
can in fits and starts and something like this list is perfect for

That said, some kind of "form" or "template" for newbies asking
questions might be a good idea.



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