On Sun January 20 2008, Rick Dooling wrote:
> I'm no Linux expert, but I've been running Fluxbox for a year and
> using Gnome and KDE programs whenever I need them. Why do you feel the
> need to remove Gnome?  I don't think it uses huge amounts of resources
> (unless you have a need for hard disk space). As for individual apps,
> like the screensaver, just disable it

its not that I need the space, I just don't like issues such as the 
screensaver, where they were competing against each other..
I had the KDE screensaver configured, yet gnome-screensaver was also active. 
I'm not sure where else there might be a conflict, I just thought it would be 
better without both GDM and KDM around. It will probably hurt more to try to 
remove packages, than it will be to troubleshoot issues, so maybe I better 
leave well enough alone:)


Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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