> Since net-install can give you a minimal base system without a network
> then yes, all base debs will be there.  You could just look at the list
> of debs supplied on the netinst.iso.

Thank you Douglas!

I did just that, and the following few lines distill the difference
between the debs list of grml-medium (a 160meg distro, from grml.org)
and the packages found in the netinstall Debian base, minus again
anything X- or sound related and anything grml-specific I could find
and very few other things I see no use for (e.g. jed):

acpi-support acpi-support-base agrep ash atftp atftpd bc bing bridge-
utils bsdutils buffer chntpw console-data console-terminus cpp cpp-4.2
curl dante-client dash dctrl-tools ddrescue debconf-utils deborphan
dhcp3-client dhcp3-common dhcp3-server dmsetup dns2tcp e3 ethtool file-
rc finger firmware-ipw3945 fnord fuse-utils gawk genisoimage gpgv gpm
groff-base guessnet hdparm htop hwinfo ifplugd inetutils-inetd info
initscripts ipcalc iproute ipsec-tools iptstate iputils-ping ipw3945d
ipw-firmware keychain klibc-utils knockd less links live-initramfs
localepurge lockfile-progs login lrzsz lsb-base lsb-release lsof
md5deep memtest86+ memtester menu mercurial mgetty mime-support
mkisofs most mount mpack mtools mtr-tiny multitail ncftp ncurses-base
ncurses-bin net-tools nfs-common ntfsprogs ntpdate nvclock nvi openssh-
client openssh-server passwd patch perl-base perl-modules policyrcd-
script-zg2 portmap postfix powermgmt-base powernowd ppp pppoeconf
prism54-firmware procinfo pump python python2.4 python2.4-minimal
python2.5 python2.5-minimal python-apt python-central python-minimal
python-support radeontool readline-common realpath resolvconf rsync
rungetty screen scsiadd ser2net setserial sharutils smartmontools
socket squashfs-tools ssl-cert statserial symlinks syslinux syslog-ng
sysutils sysvinit-utils tcpd tcpdump telnet timeout tofrodos toshset
unp unzip unzoo vbetool vim-tiny vlan vlock w3m whiptail wipe
wpasupplicant zip zsh

Can anyone spot something
obviously USELESS in or MISSING
from a service-testing-rescue mini-install?

Next, I'll do a base install, run the above through apt-get and report
here on what else, if anything, is already included and what won't
install. I hope to reach the point where a single shot (of apt-get,
debfoster, or a metapackage) does it all.

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