On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 15:27 -0800, Kelly Clowers wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2008 1:49 PM, Micha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, but for me for example it would be very useful if I could add notes to
> > papers I download to reference in my work (academics, it's what you are
> > supposed to do ;-). I don't have access to the originals (with pdf's you 
> > rarely
> > do actually, people give you the pdf in the first place to make sure that 
> > you
> > see it properly, not to edit it).
> >
> > I would have been happy if there was something that could do highlighting,
> > notes, lines and really ecstatic if it could actually do equations ...
> >
> > thought of writing something like that once but never got the time to dig 
> > in.
> Evince got form support in 2.20, and was originally supposed to get
> annotation support at the same time. Unfortunately, that was pushed
> back, and according  to the roadmap[1], it is now scheduled for 2.24
> (due this fall).  In the meantime, I believe Adobe Reader supports
> annotations and there is a native Linux version.

Looking at Adobe's comparison chart


implies that Adobe Reader does *not* allow edits...

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