On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 05:04:53PM +0000, michael wrote:
> I just noticed a "amanda" dir in 
> /[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cd /tmp;ls -alt|head
> total 1831672
> drwxrwxrwt 24 root    root         135168 Feb 27 16:50 ./
> {}
> drwx--S---  2 backup  backup         4096 Feb 27 12:29 amanda/
> which I didn't recognise. I see that it's some backup software. Whilst
> it's likely I played with it once I can't see anything in /etc/cron as
> to why it should be running again... any ideas? Or shall I just hose it
> and 'apt-get remove --purge' it?

It's been a couple years since I last adminned amanda but, from memory,
/tmp/amanda appears only on client systems.  Backups are initiated by
the server when it is ready to receive them, so there wouldn't be any
cron jobs or the like on the client side, just a port open (most likely
defined in /etc/inetd) so that the server can contact the client and
tell it to dump its data.

Of course, this isn't quite so cut-and-dried because the server is often
also one of its own clients.

In any case, though, if you're not using amanda for backups and you
don't want to be using amanda for backups, then I would recommend
removing it, yes.  It shouldn't hurt anything and, even though amanda
has a good history for security, removing it will still mean one less
place that an exploit could exist on the system.

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