
I am having a problem with my X server. i am using amd64 with nvidia

I have it connected to a plasma screen its an old one with a menu option
for 4:3 or 16:9

I would like to keep it in 16:9 mode for watching video's, but when i do
this. my aspect ration seems to go askew.  I have tested this by using
xli to display a jpg on the screen and on my laptop (windows) and on
another debian amd64 machine.

my Xorg.conf seems to be set up okay, I let nvidia work out the right
dimensions of the monitor and freq and dpi. it is current set to 35 x
50. I have measured the screen size and it is the same as the one
reported. so it has all the right dimensions.

any one have any idea how to config X to handle the screen when i put it
in 16:9 mode

"First of all, I'm not going to let Congress erode the power of the Executive 
Branch.  I have a duty to protect the Executive Branch from legislative 

        - George W. Bush
Washington, DC
White House Press Conference

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