On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 07:23:52PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've spent hours on choosing, downloading and installing debian onto a
> network-separeted box today. (I used the german debian homepage since
> that is my native language.)

Network-separated, as in once you get it installed there will be no
internet to update or add packages?  This makes life more difficult for
all free or open-source projects that are distributed (especialy
packages beyond base) via the internet.  Luckly, debian has a couple of
options, one of which is apt-zip (from back in the days of zip drives).
You can also manually track which package you want and all its
dependancies, plunk them into apt's cache and away you go.

> The Debian-Website is embarassing! Where are the hints that if you
> want a debian with kde, you should download this file: [filename]?
> Where are the catalogues of the iso-images, so that i can find out: If
> I want to install KDE _LATER_ (of course i choosed the wrong file and
> have a working model of gnome now, and the local aptitude has no kde
> found) I need to download THIS CD-Image?

Have you read the debian-installation manual and are still having
troubles?  If so, the manual tells you where to file a bug and who to
ask about it.  We didn't write it, we are users too.

> On which CD Image (stable) is KDE?
> Is there any CD Image containing wine?
Who cares?  Once you have base installed and apt-zip, choose your
package, fetch the debs, and install it.

> I begin understanding what Windows Users say, Linux is really not easy
> to install if there are such difficulities in the very beginning. Why

Well, you obviously didn't read it all.  There's tonnes of info.

Start by reading the instllation manual (not just the HOWTO section),
and the release notes for Etch (skip the step-by-step for upgrading),
and if you're new to a unix-like OS, try the debian-reference and a good
UNIX book.

If you are a windows-only user, why are you choosing Debian?


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